Row by Row 2017

Get Ready, Get Set, Are you ready to Row?  Get "On the GO" this summer with the 2017 Row by Row.  We are looking forward to meeting all the new (and repeat!) visitors to the store this summer. The fun all starts today, June 21st, first official day of summer. Mark The Quilt Store down on your list of places to visit this summer and receive a free pattern for our row.

This years row was inspired by my love of Volkswagen's.  As soon as the theme "On the Go" was announced, I knew our row would have a VW bug in it.  One evening my daughter was listening to a Bruno Mars song on itunes and when I saw the the album cover I knew that a winding road had to be part of our row.  We used all the Row by Row fabrics to put our kit together and had lots of fun quilting it using Sulky 12wt. thread to create the texture and perspective for the road.  We hope you like it as much as we do.

For Christmas this past year, my family gave me a personalized license plate for my Volkswagen, so it was an easy decision when we came up with our Row by Row License plate this year. 

Win a prize!
Create a quilt using at least 8 different 2017 rows from 8 different 2017 participating Row by Row shops and be the first to bring it into a participating shop to win a stack of 25 fat quarters (That's 6-1/4 yards of fabric!). If you use The Quilt Store row, we've got an exciting bonus prize in store for you! 
Judy Kowalski incorporated our row into her quilt that won The Quilt Store Row by Row contest in 2016.  It was a wonderful quilt, with a great selection of rows, fabrics and beautifully hand quilted.  We look forward to seeing who this years winner will be.


Row by Row fabrics have arrived and are very exciting.  Shop on-line for Row by Row Fabric

Download a Collectors Journal Cover - Create a Journal to document your Row by Row Journey.  

Map of participating stores - Start planning your summer trips to visit as many participating Row by Row stores.

Row by Row Studios - Learn more about this exciting program